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A Sweet Godmother

A Sweet Godmother, sweeter than lemon moraine pie,

more tender than apple of an eye. You are just sweet

and good for me like cream of wheat. You make me

feel like I’m never alone, you’re sweeter than an ice

cream cone. You sure can bake, but you are sweeter

than strawberry shortcake. I can talk to you and never

be afraid, to have a God Mother like you I got it made.

You help make my day, even my friends feel like your

ok. You’re a sweet Godmother sent from God himself,

that is why you help take care of me in sickness and in

health. I appreciate all of your support, you stand in the

gap like a lawyer in court. You treat me like I’m worth

a million dollars, but if I get out of line, you won't hesitate

to grab my collar. I want to thank you for all of your Love,

A Sweet Godmother, Sweeter than a Dove.